What's happening in Art Class.....

In fifth grade, students made some wonderful Impressionism landscapes.  They used oil pastels to create their masterpieces.  Some were inspired by Monet, and created water garden scenes, while others chose seascapes or mountain scenes.  Now we have moved on to the ever famous Vincent Vangogh.  The students love hearing about the artist who cut off his ear!  Vincent used a palette knife to paint most of his painting.  This year I bought plastic palette knives for the students to use.  I am excited to see their talents come to life in these new paintings.  Though we haven't started, the kids are getting excited about the opportunity to paint with a palette knife.

In Year Long students did some amazing weavings, some of the best student work I have had.  I am really proud of them.  They have also completed some paper molas.  Traditionally, molas are made from layers of fabric sowed together and then cut to reveal various colors.  Molas are created by the the Indians of the San Blas Islands, which is located off the coast of Panama.  Next up for the year long students will be to learn about Carnival.  Carnival started hundreds of years ago as a spring festival through out the years it has spread through Spain, Rome, Venice, France, the Caribbean, Mexico, and the United States, were we know it as  Mardi Gras. Students will be making masks inspired by this ancient custom.

Rotation Art students have cause for celebration!  The sarcophagus are finished! Yea!  We have moved on to paper Greek vases.  Many of the classes will be finishing these up this week!  All of our projects will be much shorter than the Egyptian.  We will be working on Chinese art, following the Greek vases.  The Asian  unit will be an important one, the core teachers and elective teachers are working together to make this a fun unit.  We will finish this unit up with a trip to the Nelson Atkins Art Museum, and a showcase of student work.  The sixth grade students will be exhibiting and presenting their work to the fifth graders in the form of a traveling museum.  More details of the Asian unit will come in my next posting.

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